Monday, September 23, 2013
Sunday, September 15, 2013
So the impossible seems
possible after all.
We were told that the only
alternative to a US military strike was to turn a blind eye to the use of
chemical weapons. Why? Because Russia would block any meaningful response and
the UN was powerless and irrelevant. ‘Only the USA cares and defends the moral
high ground; only we have the military power to enforce international law while
violating it; the consequences of failing to deliver military punishment would
be far more dangerous than what might come of bombing Syria.’
Syria remains in awful
straits and the world is surely still in bad shape, but suddenly things look
somewhat more hopeful. If Russia and the United States can act so quickly in an
emergency to fashion an agreement on getting rid of Syria’s chemical weapons,
how may the realm of the possible now be expanded? First, can the plan be
carried to successful completion by further US-Russian cooperation within the
UN? Can the proposed Geneva conference on Syria go ahead? And what about Iran?
Can serious negotiations now take place with the new Iranian government?
The hawks are very unhappy,
from John McCain to Netanyahu. They fear that the unprecedentedly fierce
opposition to another US military thrust, especially within the United States
itself, may be a global game changer. They fear that the turn to diplomacy and
the United Nations may represent a developing adjustment to a new world reality
in which no super power, no matter how superior in weapons of war, can
determine how the world turns.
Some who justify military
intervention for humanitarian purposes may have mixed feelings. For example,
Nicolas Kristof, who is an admirable voice of conscience against abuses of
human rights, argues that only the threat of US force created the shift toward
Russian-US cooperation. More reasonably, it was precisely the worldwide
rejection of another US military incursion in the Middle East that kept us from
stumbling over the brink. That’s what made a different and far better answer
Obama, as usual, is getting a lot of flack, for being indecisive on the one hand, and for his warlike posturing on the other. As with any US president, watch out when the call comes for military action and the appeal is made to national pride and American exceptionalism. I think Obama is clearly a reluctant warrior, far from a John McCain. However, while often ambivalent and conflicted, he remains tied to the increasingly untenable outlook of expansive US military and economic domination. Maybe the reality of overwhelming anti-war sentiment can tilt him further toward committing to international cooperation to solve problems rather than to the “red lines” that exacerbate them.
Obama, as usual, is getting a lot of flack, for being indecisive on the one hand, and for his warlike posturing on the other. As with any US president, watch out when the call comes for military action and the appeal is made to national pride and American exceptionalism. I think Obama is clearly a reluctant warrior, far from a John McCain. However, while often ambivalent and conflicted, he remains tied to the increasingly untenable outlook of expansive US military and economic domination. Maybe the reality of overwhelming anti-war sentiment can tilt him further toward committing to international cooperation to solve problems rather than to the “red lines” that exacerbate them.
Thursday, September 12, 2013
PUTIN'S OpEd — not big news?
Before I went to bed last night, I read Putin's OpEd piece
on the front page of the Internet version of the New York Times. I thought it was important, should be taken
seriously and read with a clearly critical eye. So I quickly wrote a brief
blog, "Putin's OpEd".
I wondered how the media would handle it. By this morning, it wasn't big news,
not even mentioned in the local paper, The
Oakland Tribune. As for the NY
Times, it's not referenced on the front page, and is offered in ridiculous,
virtually unreadable form on the OpEd page. Smack in the middle, as if in
rebuttal or rebuke, is a huge bloody hand, presumably Putin's. It seems Putin
has as much chance speaking directly to the American people as Obama has of
being heard unfiltered in Russia or Syria.
So, as a public service, I'll make it possible for my small host
of blog followers to see it in readable form. Just click on Putin's OpEd at the beginning of
last night's blog. Needless to say (sic), this is in no way an endorsement of Putin
or his authoritarian regime (a necessary disclaimer, I guess, though not as
crude as today's Times). I
do agree with the main thrust of Putin's argument for focusing on collective
efforts and the UN. You can read and judge. That's more than most of our
countrymen will be permitted.
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Putin’s OpEd in
the NY Times, a plea to the US for “caution”, should be taken seriously. It
should be read critically, but with an open mind. It won’t transform his image
at home or abroad and make him likable to most of us. But with obvious
exceptions (eg, no admission of Russia’s negative role, supplying arms to its “clients”
as we do to ours), the thrust of his message is very sound, certainly logical
and timely.
The media
thrives on demonizing foreign villains, so it remains to be seen whether most
Americans get a fair chance to read and judge the content for themselves. It’s
not a good sign that The Times found
it necessary to print a bloody hand, presumably Putin’s, next to the OpEd
Putin says
something in the last paragraph that I wish all Americans would take to heart.
It’s ritual for every President, Obama included, to tout America and Americans
as “exceptional”, different and superior to all others — and then to sign off
with “God Bless the United States of America.” Commenting on Obama’s speech
Tuesday night, Putin says:
I carefully studied his
address to the nation on Tuesday. And I would rather disagree with a case he
made on American exceptionalism, stating that the United States’ policy is “what
makes America different. It’s what makes us exceptional.” It is extremely
dangerous to encourage people to see themselves as exceptional, whatever the
motivation. There are big countries and small countries, rich and poor, those
with long democratic traditions and those still finding their way to democracy.
Their policies differ, too. We are all different, but when we ask for the Lord’s
blessings, we must not forget that God created us equal.
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
In my last blog,
I began with my reaction to those in Congress and the media who were so quick
to rally around the call for a military strike on Syria. Of course, there was a
much bigger story, namely that the bandwagon attracted so few Americans. I
don’t recall a more widespread popular anti-war sentiment at the outset of any
previous presidential war initiative.
There is at last
a deep-seated feeling that, despite our vast military power, US acts of
military intervention and war are futile and inevitably add to havoc at home as
well as abroad.
Of course that
big story led to another big story. The avenue to international cooperation
that was supposedly hopelessly blocked has opened up. The road ahead is
difficult and uncertain, but mindless assumptions that sought to justify a
unilateral US strike are shattered. The UN is not irrelevant. Nor does the fact that
most of the world, including Russia and China, opposes a military strike mean that it's impossible collectively to uphold international law and
enforce the prohibition of chemical weapons. On the contrary, worldwide and domestic opposition to the strike is exactly what makes another path possible. (President Obama, interviewed by
Gwen Ifill on the PBS News Hour, pointed out something as if it might be a surprise: Iran and Hezbollah
are also opposed to chemical warfare!)
There are some
who fear that if we don’t bomb Syria after declaring a “red line”, we may not
uphold a “red line” by going to war against Iran. That clearly is why Netanyahu
and AIPAC are lobbying Congress for the military strike. Maybe the Syria
experience will lead to a new direction concerning Iran. Instead of sitting on
another “red line” with cocked weapons of war, it’s time to act with conviction
that meaningful international cooperation is necessary and possible.
A lot divides
nations and people within nations, but avoiding mass destruction is a universal
human interest. Yesterday’s
initiative by Russia, and the positive though “cautious” response by Obama,
opens the door that pundits told us was locked and bolted. It’s up to us,
people everywhere, to keep it open as the only gateway to a less violent world in which bitter
conflicts may be resolved or contained.
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Depressingly Familiar
It’s incredible, but
depressingly predictable, how quickly many Democrats and almost all the pundits
fall in line: “anti-war” when things go badly, but reflexively pro-war when the
always righteous call to arms first sounds. It’s always “this is different” and,
for them, the lessons of Iraq (Afghanistan and Vietnam) don’t apply.
Russia and the UN
One of the most widely
accepted excuses is that there’s no point going to the UN because of Russia and
China. The implication is that if the UN
won’t go for an American-powered military strike, nothing else matters or is
possible. Further, the implication is that Russia and China (unlike us) have no
concern about the use of weapons of mass destruction. History tells us
otherwise, or how in the world have we survived the foreign policy crises of
the last sixty-plus years?
We don’t like Putin and it’s
mutual, for rather obvious reasons. But is the rallying of votes for military
action in the US Congress more likely to yield hope than bringing the Syrian
crisis to full and open consideration at the UN? No government — not Russia,
not China, not the US — is immune to consideration of political realities and
can afford for long to simply ignore the pressures of an aroused world.
Crime and Punishment
Who is there to punish us
when the US violates international law— when we used the atom bomb in Nagasaki
even after Hiroshima demonstrated that it was a monstrous crime against
humanity? When the US military made massive use of “Agent Orange” in Vietnam?
When US presidents enabled assassinations and military coups against democratically
elected governments? And who has a veto over the CIA’s right to drop missiles
from drones anywhere on Executive order?
It seems that our moral
compass too often points to “might makes right.”
Monday, September 2, 2013
The button the Administration
will likely push the hardest to get Congress to endorse a military strike is that the “credibility” of the US and (for
loyal Democrats) of Obama is at stake; so is commitment to Israel and the
“red line” against Iran.
The credibility of the United
States is indeed at issue. Will we uphold or abandon commitment to
international cooperation, to the conviction that seeking a level of consensus
and collective action is the only way to move forward on the thorniest and most
critical problems? Is there any hope for solutions or progress by going it
essentially alone and showing the world once again the awesome power and
ultimate futility of our military “option”? Not only regarding Syria, can
progress be made on any big
international problem by “red lining” the point at which we will give up on the
process of collective political efforts and negotiation?
Another act of war can only deepen the trap we
have dug ourselves into. There is terrible uncertainty about the immediate
consequences of a military strike on Syria. But what about the longer
term? Without the rest of the world,
including China and Russia, can violence and human suffering be reduced? Can
nuclear proliferation be halted and reversed? Can international law be
sustained? Can we hope to cope with existential crises like climate change?
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