Friday, June 5, 2015


In difficult political times, it’s all the more important to appreciate the power of protest. That’s something to celebrate on the second anniversary of Edward Snowden’s courageous challenge to the government’s colossal secret surveillance enterprise.

His action triggered a dramatic change in public consciousness that built up here and abroad until it even shook up our feckless Congress. No, it didn’t bring down the “security state”. In fact, even as the surveillance hawks suffered a setback, another secret government intrusion on Internet privacy came to light. Still it showed that no reactionary policy is immune to the power of protest once the public conscience is aroused.

That truth has been verified over and over again. It is not just a matter of vindication for heroes like Daniel Elsberg and Edward Snowden. It’s recognition of the force for change that’s inherent in a determined battle for civil rights and equality or against war-prone foreign policies.

1 comment:

  1. Leon

    Thanks for this.

    Your genuine persistence grows from your political past.
    You are a feature of our national strength.

